Saturday, July 14, 2007

When the typhoon comes?

This pic was taken after scooping goldfish match in Nagasu in April
I don't know what to say now^-^Today passed by without any raindrops! Nothing happened! What do they call a typhoon? I don't mean i want to meet a typhoon, a storm or something like that but i had many plans to do, they told me 'bout a typhoon that didn't come. That brought my plans to nothing^-^

About 4pm, a wind has risen and 2 hours later the wind died away^-^I went out in the garden of the dorm to see how the wind was. It was really strong at that time. I felt that i could fly, go to anywhere i want to go. ^-^Thanks to the wind, i could get rid of my stress.^-^Start again^-^

The weather here!

I don't know much 'bout Kumamoto but it is really amusing^-` They told us that there would be a typhoon today but on my waking up, i couldn't believe in my eyes. Clear sky, no clouds, and cicadas are still shrilling happily^-^. Nothing made me think 'bout such a typhoon or even a light rain^-^???
It has been raining from the day before yesterday in Kitakyushu but in Kumamoto it is still clear now^-^ I asked Mr Kame (one of three superintendents of the dorm) and he told me " Don't make a light of the weather! The typhoon will come by 6pm ^-`"

Friday, July 13, 2007

A typhoon!

How cute this pic is!*-*
Everyone is anxious now 'coz a typhoon is going to hit Kumamoto city tomorrow! I have met typhoons and storms before but i can't remember how they were 'coz i was just a small child at that time. I don't know what will happen tomorrow, hope the day will pass without incident. We were told to keep windows closed all the day by superintendents of the dorm. Does everyone worry too much? They make me afraid^-`

Have you seen football match today? So great! Vietnamese football team won 2 to 0 again! We will meet Japanese team Monday next week! As Monday next week is Marine day in Japan, there will be no lectures and i will have time to cheer for my team^-^ Go ahead, Vietnam^-^

Today, i met my group at the school library to hand them the manuscript of our presentation. These days everyone is very busy with tests, reports, semester tests...All of people around me look completely exhausted, so do i^-^Poor us!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

A new gift from a lovely stranger^-^

Life is beautiful^-^I always belive that and today my belief has been confirmed by a lovely stranger^-^She entered my blog and left her comments. I don't know who she is but i am sure that she is a nice girl as she has sent me a website that i like very much^-^I am very tired now as i have written the manuscript of the presentation next week but thanks to Blue woman, I got a nice gift today^-^It is very useful, thank you!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Final exam!

From left to right: Yamada, Ayumi, My^-^, Yumi^-^This pic was taken after the speech contest last month.

To day i had my first final exam in Japan but i didn't do it well. I was so sad that i've slept from 6pm till now^-^On my waking up, i felt a little bit hungry. It was a good sign to start trying again, wasn't it? The test covered all Kanji and grammar that i've learnt before i came to Japan but the reason may be i've made light of the test. I regret that i wasn't careful enough. Anyway, it's no use crying over split milk so I'll try my best to do better the next tests.

My group gathered and discussed about content of our presentation 2 times last week but we still can't get anywhere now. The manuscript hasn't been finished yet. I am just a little anxious but everything will be ready by Sat, surely^-^
One thing i was very impressed is that my Japanese friends, all of them are very good at drawing^-^I've seen pics drawn by Ayumi in her blog. Really impressible^-^ In our group, Tsushida, Masa, Yoshino, Ayaka, all of them are very good at drawing too^-^ Only me can't draw. My dear group, i m sorry^-^