Monday, October 22, 2007

Weekend trip^0^

All of us, exchange students, just came back from Aso Mt yesterday. It was 6 degrees when we got there. Shivered with cold ~~~. We had barbecue for dinner, then, played games. Our team was the best team! We defeated the opponent and won all prizes^^ It was such a good time but i am now completely done in hic hic. My arms, my legs...poor them! After walking a day long, my steps felt leaden hic hic. I have my weekly Kanji test at first period, Japan politics homework ( which is very very boring +-+ ) to day...hic hic I am thinking of skipping school to day hehehe^0+

Our English speaking group met last Friday at the dorm. We have decided our restaurant's name, history, menu, and slogan as well. Fortunately, we have creative members so, it didnt cost us so much time to do all the thing. Having decided how to divide up the work among us, we finished the discussion at 9.30pm.