Monday, November 5, 2007

Straight holidays!

^-^ Happy Halloween ^-^
We had 5 straight holidays last week. It was such a good time but it was not enough ^0^ I still want to have more, more, more holidays. ^-^
Last week, we finished our first group project of the Fall term. I was so nervous that i had difficulty expressing what we had prepared for the presentation hic hic. Our presentation wasnt good as i had expected. It was all my fault. My own presentation was entirely different from my manuscript. I even couldnt spell words clearly hichic. Other members of my group did so well. I was so proud of them...I hope they would forgive me 4 my mistakes.
The weather is so weird these days. It turns cold and then suddenly turns hot. This kind of weather makes me feel so bad. I am half asleep all day long. Last week, while i was still dozing, the Chinese lecture came to and end ^-^ Poor my teachers! I am sure that they dont want to have such a student like me.